EOCred: Addressing requirements from use cases

Hello all,

Thank you for your input prioritising the use cases for Educational and 
Occupational Credentials. I have arranged to outline use cases 
<https://www.w3.org/community/eocred-schema/wiki/Use_Cases> to reflect 
these priorities.

I have also indicated what I think is required in order to meet these 
use cases. Please take a look and let me know if I have missed anything.

I propose we work through these requirements, trying to meet as many of 
them as possible with existing schema.org terms, and defining new terms 
where required.

Picking two requirements from near the top of the list, we need to

1. be able to identify that an object is a educational / occupational 

2. be able to identify name of an educational / occupational credential 

I propose that we create a new schema.org class / type of thing, an 

definition: An educational or occupational credential. A diploma, 
academic degree, certification, qualification, badge, etc., that may be 
awarded to a person or other entity that meets the requirements defined 
by the credentialer.

This will inherit the URL and name properties from schema.org/Thing 
<http://schema.org/Thing> thus meeting the requirements above.

Furthermore, I think that it is logical and will allow reuse of several 
properties if we consider the EducationalOccupationalCredential to be a 
subtype of schema.org/CreativeWork <http://schema.org/CreativeWork>. I 
think properties like educationalAlignment, audience, offers, provider, 
hasPart, datePublished, dateModified, expires, creator (and possibly 
others) will be useful in describing EducationalOccupationalCredentials.

Any comments?


[outline use cases] 


Phil Barker <http://people.pjjk.net/phil>. http://people.pjjk.net/phil
PJJK Limited <https://www.pjjk.co.uk>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.
CETIS LLP: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education technology.

PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
number SC569282.
CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
England number OC399090

Received on Monday, 8 January 2018 14:34:55 UTC