[EOWG] Responses to Questionnaire Accessibility Course List Eagle Review

Dear Billie,

We would first like to thank you for taking the time to contribute to improving this resource.

We have received valuable feedback and some of the suggestions have already been incorporated into the tool, others have been added to our to-do list for the next development stages, and others may need further discussion.

The updated version is currently available at: https://614c42623e94470008d04ab1--wai-list-of-courses.netlify.app/list-of-courses/

A brief summary of all the updates made is available at:

Following is the list of the answers you have provided in the Eagle Review Survey with our comments for each one of them. Let us know if you have any further considerations or additional clarifications on any topic are needed.

  *   Attributes for describing offers

     *   1. An Expand All option would be convenient/helpful

We included an expand/collapse all button.

     *   2. "Offer Type" seems unnecessary. Suggest to remove it.

We have reviewed both categories, “Offer type” and “Degree of certification” and decided to merge them. Current attributes for defining an offer are: Graduate program, Undergraduate program, Training program, Professional certification, and Other. With these changes and to avoid increasing the complexity of the filters, a subcategory comprising the types of certificates and degrees is going to be included in the advanced filtering resource, to be developed and reviewed in future activities.

     *   3. Change "Degree of Certification" to "Certification"

See previous comment.

  *   Filter categories

     *   Under the Filter for "Format", there is the option to choose: On-line, Face-to- Face, or Hybrid. Suggestion: Remove Hybrid (or) Define Hybrid.

Considering the feedback received, we believe that some of the items were not clear enough. The changes we have made aim to make this information more intuitive so that we reduce the need for any additional information. In this sense, we will further discuss in future surveys which items can benefit from an associated info button with a sort of glossary.

  *   Landing page

     *   I think this page makes sense as the landing page for the list of courses.

We do agree with this suggestion, as well as the majority of the respondents. We’ll be following that approach in further developments.

  *   Additional comments

     *   When viewing the course list, before expanding the Details, all courses have the same title and the same brief paragraph description.
     *   Suggestion: Change Title of Courses and/or the brief paragraph description to differentiate each course from the others, so that users have a little overview of what the course is about, prior to expanding the Details.

We updated information on the offers to have a more diverse sample.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing your comments.


Letícia Seixas Pereira
LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa

Received on Thursday, 23 September 2021 17:28:17 UTC