[EOWG] Responses to Questionnaire Accessibility Course List Eagle Review

Dear Shadi,

We would first like to thank you for taking the time to contribute to improving this resource.

We have received valuable feedback and some of the suggestions have already been incorporated into the tool, others have been added to our to-do list for the next development stages, and others may need further discussion.

The updated version is currently available at: https://614c42623e94470008d04ab1--wai-list-of-courses.netlify.app/list-of-courses/

A brief summary of all the updates made is available at:

Following is the list of the answers you have provided in the Eagle Review Survey with our comments for each one of them. Let us know if you have any further considerations or additional clarifications on any topic are needed.

  *   Attributes for describing offers

     *   #1. I don't understand difference between "Offer type" and "Degree of certification" - should these be combined?

We have reviewed this category, as well as the degree of certification category, and we merged them indeed. Current attributes for defining an offer are: Graduate program, Undergraduate program, Training program, Professional certification, and Other.

     *   #2. Not sure "WAI Curricula correspondence" is clear enough. Maybe link the Curricula / Modules at least?

We have changed this attribute to “WAI Curricula module” and, when provided, will link to the corresponding page of the Curricula.

     *   #3. Think better to use the clearer words "not provided" or "not applicable" when needed rather than "-" sign.

Changed to “Not provided”.

     *   #4. Not sure about the order / sequence. Think most frequently needed first. How relevant is country then?

We have reordered the attributes, considering: information about the intended audience of the course (audience, level, prerequisites), content (topics, Curricula), contextual information (language, country), delivery information (learning, platform), additional information (duration, cost), and provider details (website, reviews).

     *   #5. Not sure where the "Keywords/Topic" will come from and how these will be moderated / maintained.

We collected a sample of topics in existing course offerings to assess the feasibility of having a predefined list of topics for providers to select from. However, existing topics are very diverse. We will probably provide a simple text field and ask providers to include from 3 to 5 main topics. Further discussion on this subject will be conducted when developing the submit form. Another observation on this topic, based on the comments received, we have changed this attribute to “Topics” instead of “Keywords/Topics”.

  *   Filter categories

     *   #1. Think "Degree of certification" and "Language" are pretty important filtering criteria to include.

We have included a “Language” filter. We propose this filter including only the languages available in current offers in order to minimize the number of options.
Concerning the “Degree of certification” attribute and filtering options, we reviewed it along with the “Offer type” attribute as mentioned in previous comments. With these changes and to avoid a further complexity of the filters, we believe that a subcategory comprising the types of certificates and degrees could be included in the advanced filtering resource, to be developed - and reviewed - in future activities.

     *   #2. If the Format "Face-to-face" is selected, then filtering for "Country" will be likely quite important.

We have included a “Country” filter. We propose this filter including only the countries available in current offers in order to minimize the number of options. We believe this filter is also quite important for other formats, such as for offers addressing laws and policies that are closely related to a given country.

     *   #3. Is it imaginable that people may search via Curricula modules? I'm OK with this to be wishlist idea.

We will consider including this filter in the advanced filtering resource.

  *   Filter function

     *   #1. Given the OR-filtering, I suggest that all categories are checked by Zahra default like in the QuickRef - https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?currentsidebar=%23col_customize

Considering other WAI resources and the positive feedback received on the filtering functioning, we believe the current implementation to be intuitive and corresponding to the expected behaviour for this type of tool.

  *   Landing page

     *   I think we should have only one page (this page) with a submit button / link, like we have on the Evaluation Tools List. The submission page itself is, of course, a separate page. This page and all functionality, including submitting and maybe an "advanced filters" tab / dialog, should be clear enough on its own. An additional front page is probably an indication that this page / app is not clear enough.

We do agree with this suggestion, as well as the majority of the respondents. We’ll be following that approach in further developments.

  *   Additional comments

     *   #1. Not sure that "offers" is the best word but can think of a better one.

We will consider including an open issue to collect more suggestions for this word depending on the feedback received on the new offer type categorization.
It may be possible that the concept is somewhat unclear, as the name of this resource is currently “List of Accessibility Courses”, but it also comprises certification, for instance - the main reason that we decided to use “offer”. An open issue to further discuss the official name and title phrasing of this resource could help us to elucidate these questions.

     *   #2. The category "Offer type" and its items may not be entirely clear to everyone, I wonder if there can be "i"-icons with additional information (which expands/collapses additional information like in the WCAG-EM Report Tool, rather than link to a separate page link in the List of Authoring Tools). Might also be useful for "WAI Curricula correspondence" and possibly other categories that are not immediately apparent.

The changes we have made aim to make this information more intuitive so that we reduce the need for any additional information. In this sense, we have reorganized the offer types and changed the name of the WAI Curricula attribute. According to the feedback received about these changes, we will further discuss in future surveys which items can benefit from an associated info button with a sort of glossary.

     *   #3. I wonder about courses that are part of broader studies / degrees / certificates? For example, a course on "Universal Design" that is part of a Bachelors or Masters degree, or part of a Web Design professional training? Do we want to include such courses, or stick with stand-alone courses for now? If we do want to include such courses, how do we represent the broader programs they belong to? Could be another future wishlist (maybe already discussed and decided).

This is also on our wishlist for the expansion of this list, as we observed the relevance of it in the research on current offers conducted. We believe that modulable offers can be addressed through a parent offer attribute/relationship. However, we will focus our effort on this topic when defining our approach on how to better display this structure on the submit form.

     *   #4. Think definitely a future wishlist idea: be able to compare a few offers side-by-side (eg. select up to X items and have them presented side-by-side, which is a common functionality in shopping carts).

This functionality is on our wishlist for further improvements.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing your comments.


Letícia Seixas Pereira
LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa

Received on Thursday, 23 September 2021 17:27:22 UTC