Re: Next call

Dear all,
since I am expecting a baby any day now, and will be on parental leave 
from delivery and the rest of the spring semester, I will only 
participate sporadically during spring. Robin Keskisärkkä, who is a PhD 
student of mine, will participate whenever he can, but he is also 
involved in another community group, which is more directly on his PhD 
topic, so he may have to focus more on that.

However, until the baby decides to appear I'm happy to help out on 
writing a paper, just let me know what you need! I hope to join the call 
on Monday unless something turns up.


On 9/1/2014 19:59 , Carsten Kessler wrote:
> Dear all,
> happy new year! It's been a while since our doodle poll, and Mondays
> at 4PM CET/10AM EST is one of the favorites, so we'll have our
> bi-weekly calls on Mondays for the time being. We'll start next week,
> so mark your calendars.
> One urgent thing to discuss is whether we want to submit a short paper
> to ISCRAM. In fact, we should be starting the discussion about this
> right now via email, since the deadline is January 20th.
> Cheers,
> Carsten
> ---
> Carsten Kessler –
> Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information –
> Department of Geography
> Hunter College – CUNY
> 695 Park Avenue
> New York, NY-10065
> +1 (212) 560-3591

Received on Friday, 10 January 2014 09:18:15 UTC