Fwd: inputs to UNISDR Global Assessment Report

Renato, Chairs and all
do we have a submission from this group? if not, should we put something

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Twigg <j.twigg@ucl.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 6:31 PM
Subject: inputs to UNISDR Global Assessment Report
To: DISASTER-RESILIENCE@jiscmail.ac.uk


Research Areas 2 and 5

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is issuing a
Second Call for Abstracts as part of the development of the 2015 Global
Assessment Report (GAR15). The GAR15 will be published prior to the World
Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in 2015, in which governments will
adopt a successor framework to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA).

The purpose of this Call for Abstracts is to encourage more research
investigating the degree to which the HFA has been fit-for-purpose in
affecting change in the management of disaster risk, and in so doing,
contribute to both the formulation of the successor framework to the HFA
(the HFA2), as well as the development of indicators for effectively
measuring the impact of the forthcoming framework.

UNISDR seeks input papers to the 2015 Global Assessment Report (GAR15) that
present research, oriented by indicator, addressing the following issues:

▫       what changes have been observed since the adoption of the HFA in
2005, and what has been the impact in terms of risk to society;

▫       to what degree has change been facilitated by the HFA or other
emerging drivers of effective disaster risk management;

▫       determine if the change was adequately captured by the indicator in
its current form and if not propose an alternative impact indicator;

▫       what elements will need to be developed for inclusion in the
successor framework to the HFA.


▫       The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1 month after the date of
the Call.

▫       Abstracts should be 300 words or less.

▫       Abstracts are to be submitted to gar15_HFA@un.org using the
submission template available at

▫       Abstracts must be informed by the Call for Abstracts, Guidance
Document and the Concept Paper available on the dedicated workspace.

▫       After review of the abstracts by UNISDR, the Coordinating
Organisation and the Coordinating Lead Author, UNISDR will invite
successful applicants to develop full GAR15 input papers for submission by
the date specified in respective Concept Papers (and by the latest 31
December 2013).

▫       Input papers will be used by the Coordinating Lead Author to
develop GAR15 Background Papers, which will be subjected to both an
informal peer review, as well as an external peer review.

A third Call for Abstracts will be issued on 23 September 2013 covering the
remaining research areas outlined in the generic Call for Abstracts
available on the workspace.

All input papers will be made available online as an annex to GAR15. In
addition, UNISDR will coordinate the submission of all final papers to an
academic journal for consideration in a special issue focusing on the state
of disaster risk management. The use of Input Papers in the development of
GAR 15 Background Papers will be at the discretion of the CLA.

All details, background documents and concept papers are available at

Should you require more information contact UNISDR: Rhea Katsanakis (


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- The Disaster Resilience list aims to develop knowledge and understanding
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- The creation of this list is linked to the FP7 project, emBRACE: Building
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- emBRACE is jointly co-ordinated by Prof Debby Sapir (Universite
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- This DISASTER-RESILIENCE discussion list was launched on 13 October 2011,
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Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 13:23:17 UTC