Re: repository or emergency open data

Good point, Paola. Especially with the situation that we have now
where we are seeing more and more data sources popping up (and
hopefully being interlinked at some point).

I think something along the lines of the CKAN LOD group
( would already do the job as a first
shot. Or were you thinking of a search engine index that would allow
actual searches across the different datasets?


On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:
> If it's true that some datasets in the emergency management/humanitarian
> domains  are becoming available
> then  could it be good practice to start an index of sorts?
> if there is enough materials, and/or ideas,
> and someone wants to lead
> then
> an opportunity see the call
> I can support but not lead
> P
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Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 18:18:27 UTC