- From: Steven Clift <clift@e-democracy.org>
- Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 11:20:20 -0600
- To: Open Knowledge Foundation discussion list <okfn-discuss@lists.okfn.org>, OGP Civil Society group <ogp@dgroups.org>, brigade <brigade@codeforamerica.org>, liberationtech <liberationtech@mailman.stanford.edu>, "practitioners@ecampaigningforum.com" <practitioners@ecampaigningforum.com>, poplus <poplus@googlegroups.com>, sunlight-international@googlegroups.com, openhouseproject@googlegroups.com
- Cc: Tiago Peixoto <tpeixoto@worldbank.org>
When Does ICT-Enabled Citizen Voice Lead to Government Responsiveness? Tiago Piexoto with the World Bank and Jonathan Fox at American University collaborated on a background paper released alongside the World Bank's major Digital Dividend report (bonus links below). Amazingly, it reviews 23 ICT projects designed to raise citizen voices in governance. This is incredibly important research. The full paper in PDF is at: http://po.st/citizenvoicegovresponselists Abstract: When Does ICT-Enabled Citizen Voice Lead to Government Responsiveness? World Development Report Background Paper - Digital Dividends This paper reviews evidence on the use of 23 information and communication technology (ICT) platforms to project citizen voice to improve public service delivery. This meta-analysis focuses on empirical studies of initiatives in the global South, highlighting both citizen uptake (‘yelp’) and the degree to which public service providers respond to expressions of citizen voice (‘teeth’). The conceptual framework further distinguishes between two trajectories for ICT-enabled citizen voice: Upwards accountability occurs when users provide feedback directly to decision-makers in real time, allowing policy-makers and program managers to identify and address service delivery problems – but at their discretion. Downwards accountability, in contrast, occurs either through real time user feedback or less immediate forms of collective civic action that publicly call on service providers to become more accountable and depends less exclusively on decision-makers’ discretion about whether or not to act on the information provided. This distinction between the ways in which ICT platforms mediate the relationship between citizens and service providers allows for a precise analytical focus on how different dimensions of such platforms contribute to public sector responsiveness. These cases suggest that while ICT platforms have been relevant in increasing policymakers’ and senior managers’ capacity to respond, most of them have yet to influence their willingness to do so. Clift notes: * To discuss this report: http://facebook.com/groups/opengovgroup I invite you join E-Democracy.org's nearly 5,000 member Facebook Group on Open Government and Civic Technology. Quality -global- exchanges daily. * For the larger Digital Dividends report, see: http://po.st/worldbankdigitaldividendsreport Note the 15 background paper of which the paper above in included: http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2016/background-papers * Follow the authors on Twitter: http://twitter.com/participatory https://twitter.com/jonathanfox707 * Follow me: http://twitter.com/democracy http://dowire.org - E-newsletter since 1998 http://1radionews.com - My world radio app Steven Clift - Executive Director, E-Democracy.org clift@e-democracy.org - +1 612 234 7072 @democracy - http://linkedin.com/in/netclift
Received on Thursday, 28 January 2016 17:20:51 UTC