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From: "Danny Lämmerhirt" <>
Date: Jan 21, 2016 9:42 AM
Subject: [open-government] The impact of open data in cities
To: <>
Dear all,
Jonathan Gray and I are currently working on a paper highlighting the
impact of open data on a city level. Particularly we look at how CSOs,
civic tech groups and social movements may use open city data to tackle
social, democratic and environmental issues within their cities - as well
as depicting the outcomes of their projects (preferrably examples from
non-European or US-American countries such as the BRICS or countries
counted as the Global South).
Right now we are collecting interesting examples and we would love to hear
about projects you worked on, or other projects you think might be
In case you have a question about the study, you are very welcome to send
me a message.
Thank you very much and all the best,
Danny Lämmerhirt
Open Knowledge <>
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