Lucky for us.

It seems we became a Community just in time to avoid being people interested in the inner workings of government.  Thanks W3C. Now, if we can just manage to avoid displaying any form of "Intelligence" ...

The Semantic Web bears more than a little responsibility for that parsing of "Intelligence Community" by suggesting that meta data is immortal and expansive. Versions of applications give this impression, but the truth is, for most data supplied by governments, the data base has changed very little from last year's version.

Coverage for an app is not the same thing as "full" coverage of a name space because meta data does not disappear from the data base and automatically reinsert itself at a later time. Yes it does, the Semantic Web said so ... no it didn't, and it doesn't.

This data base (downloadable) doesn't argue that silly point.  I hope it helps. Comments welcome.


Received on Friday, 16 August 2013 22:33:14 UTC