Re: what do you mean, e-gov?


Governance is primarily to exercise control  - an imperial terminology to
exercise sovereign authority as below:

*1. * To make and administer the public policy and affairs of; exercise
sovereign authority in.
*2. * To control the speed or magnitude of; regulate: a valve that governs
fuel intake.
*3. * To control the actions or behavior of: Govern yourselves like
civilized people.
*4. * To keep under control; restrain: a student who could not govern his
*5. * To exercise a deciding or determining influence on: Chance usually
governs the outcome of the game.
*6. * *Grammar* To require (a specific morphological form) of accompanying
*1. * To exercise political authority.
*2. * To have or exercise a determining influence.

To me e-Gov is EGO Governance!!

I would personally like to move away from the word Governance to Self-Rule
or Self-Administration - of the people, by the people, for the people.

For this to happen everyone should have a right to voice their opinion and
vote on anything that could affect them (future), affects them (present)
and affected them (past) and be heard by the collective. This would
necessitate Transparency in all dealings for Accountability. Nothing should
be a secret and done on the sly. All public activities must be transparent
for all to see, challenged and defended. Right should prevail over wrong.
This would discourage anyone from indulging in any wrong activity and even
if they do, leave an indelible audit trail for tracking and be held
accountable at any time.

How do others react to this?

Kris Dev.

On 25 April 2012 00:39, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:

> For those who have been around the last twenty years or any
> subset thereof, the question is not new. We each seem to
> use the same word with different meanings (anyone else laughing
> hysterically at this point?)
> I was recently giving a talk and providing my own definition(s), and would
> have liked
> to point to the W3C definition of egov. But I could not remember whether
> we agreed on one, and where it can be accessed.  Admittedly I have been
> away a lot lately.
> For example,  for me egovernance applies to both
> the governance of civil society institutions (presumably the governance
> democratic institutions that are ruled by first principles, and the
> universal declaration of human rights, although in reality there may not be
> many governments that do so), as well as the governance of online
> communities, whereby the information and decisions are mediated by online
> technologies, or something like that. But not sure if this has been
> discussed
> I do not remember any such discussions on list. Is it my memory failing me
> again?
> Any threads/uri's someone could kindly repost if these questions have
> already been asked?
> if not, i would invite the IG Chairs to start off with some proposed
> definitions, either on list or on wiki page possibly one for each term in
> our shared vocabulary, (wiki? url......), then  members (other than pure
> lurkers) could introduce themseles and get their active participation in the
> group going by entering their own definitions/variations, with possibly a
> link to their profile
> so that we can start getting to know each other meaningfully?:-)
> sincerely

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2012 03:41:23 UTC