DC-application profile and linked data for the Netherlands Government information

For your information:
The Netherlands Government has developed a Dublin Core Application
Profile for Government information (OWMS). OWMS is published at
<http://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/4.0/doc/> . The site is in Dutch,
but Google Translate
..0%2Fdoc%2F>   gives a good impression.
OWMS defines 9 core elements which are considered to provide crucial
metadata for government information:

*	dcterms:identifier
ifier.html>  (Reference) 
*	dcterms:title
..html>  (Title) 
*	dcterms:type
html>  (Informationtype) 
*	dcterms:language
age.html>  (Language) 
*	overheid:authority
ority.html>  (Responsible) 
*	dcterms:creator
or.html>  (Maker) 
*	dcterms:modified
ied.html>  (Datre modified) 
*	dcterms:temporal
ral.html>  (Coverage in Time) 
*	dcterms:spatial
al.html>  (Location) 

OWMS gives a dutch translation for the other Dublin Core elements.
We also publish a number of vocabulary encoding schemes
<http://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/4.0/doc/waardelijsten/>  to be used
as list-of-values for OWMS metadata.
There are lists with labels and identifiers for government organisations
such as ministries
sterie.html> , provinces
incie.html> , municipalities
ente.html> , waterboards
rschap.html> , but also information types <overheid:Informatietype> ,
themes <overheid:ThemaindelingOverheid>  and others. 
The concepts in these encoding schemes are published as Linked Open Data
with Cool URI's <http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/> , so they are rendered
in HTML, but also in RDF, N3 and XML.
With Amsterdam as an example: 
will render http://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/terms/Amsterdam.html in
a standard browser
it will render http://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/terms/Amsterdam.rdf
in a RDF-application 
such as Marbles:
If you are interested, just take a look. If you see room for improvement
(there is a lot!), or if you have questions, please feel free to contact
With kind regards, 
met vriendelijke groet,
Hans Overbeek
Adviseur Contentstandaarden
Programma e-Overheid voor Burgers 

Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104, 2595 AN Den Haag
Postbus 84011, 2508 AA Den Haag

Tel. 070 - 888 7758, Secretariaat 070 - 888 78 50 
E-mail: hans.overbeek <mailto:hans.overbeek@ictu.nl> @ictu.nl
Internet:  <http://www.e-overheidvoorburgers/>
<http://www.e-overheidvoorburgers.nl/> www.e-overheidvoorburgers.nl
www.mijnoverheid.nl <blocked::http://www.mijnoverheid.nl/>
www.antwoord.nl <blocked::http://www.antwoord.nl/>  www.overheid.nl

Received on Friday, 3 September 2010 15:39:25 UTC