Re: New Charter

Hi Michael

Am 19.11.2010 16:17, schrieb Michael Hausenblas:
>> My contribution would be around the use case of Linked Environment Data
> +1
> Our Green and Sustainable IT unit [1] has some interesting contributions
> regarding this topic as well.
> I guess this could best be fit into the planned eGov IG.

I am pleased to hear you found out that green is green ;-)
Does this unit has also data about power consumption and  environmental
life cycle assessment which should be published and linked?

>> Furthermore, the European Environment Agency has published a use case about
>> networking and aligning species databases all over Europe based on
>> Linked Data:
>> I am quite sure they will start working on this quite soon.
> Very timely! Turns out that my colleague Richard will be with the EEA people
> next week at the workshop in Copenhagen to support them [2].

Great! Things are really moving on fast.
There will also be an Ecoinformatics meeting on Linked Data (including
US EPA and EEA) in early December.

About linking species, there is also a discussion at the Darwin Core
(TSWG) group starting here:


> Cheers,
>       Michael
> [1]
> [2] 

Thomas Bandholtz,, 
innoQ Deutschland GmbH, Halskestr. 17, D-40880 Ratingen, Germany
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Received on Saturday, 20 November 2010 17:24:57 UTC