Re: [GLD] Agenda for 2010-11-19 meeting


> I will try; I'm still fighting off my jetlag, and that's in the dead
> spot, but I should be able to make it.

That would be awesome.

> (And yes, we can keep meeting even though the charter has technically
> lapsed; I'm confident we'll have a new charter set up soon enough.)

Relieved to hear this.

> Do we have any action items?  I'm not seeing any in the tracker.   We
> can create a new "product" to tag items, if that's helpful.   I vaguely
> recall one about narrowing down the venue.

Not many [1] ;)



Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

> From: Sandro Hawke <>
> Organization: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
> Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:39:30 -0500
> To: Michael Hausenblas <>
> Cc: W3C eGov IG <>
> Subject: Re: [GLD] Agenda for 2010-11-19 meeting
> On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 12:20 +0000, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>> All,
>> Below the agenda for our tomorrow's meeting. Sandro, will you join us?
> I will try; I'm still fighting off my jetlag, and that's in the dead
> spot, but I should be able to make it.
> (And yes, we can keep meeting even though the charter has technically
> lapsed; I'm confident we'll have a new charter set up soon enough.)
> Do we have any action items?  I'm not seeing any in the tracker.   We
> can create a new "product" to tag items, if that's helpful.   I vaguely
> recall one about narrowing down the venue.
>     -- Sandro
>> Cheers,
>>       Michael
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> AGENDA Teleconference
>> W3C eGov Interest Group - Government Linked Data (GLD) Demo
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> Friday, 19 Nov *13:00-14:00 UTC*
>> Local time:
>> our=13&min=00&sec=0
>> Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
>> Conference code : 3468# (spells "egov")
>> Duration: 60 minutes
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> IRC channel          : #egov on
>> W3C IRC Web Client   :
>> Zakim information    :
>> Zakim bridge monitor :
>> Zakim IRC bot        :
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Chair: Michael
>> 1. Admin
>> PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting, see
>> 2. Status of eGov WG
>> 3. Linked Open Government Application Challenge
>> 4. AOB
>> Cheers,
>>       Michael

Received on Thursday, 18 November 2010 16:45:34 UTC