Promoting open governmental data in Germany

Hi all,

On 6th of May we are oganizing the Leipziger Semantic Web Tag for the 
second time. Besides industrial application of semantic web 
technologies, open governmental data is a particular focus of this years 

Unfortunately, open governmental data is not yet in the center of 
attention in German governments and public administrations. With this 
years LSWT we want to help changing that.

Some currently planned talks regarding open governmental data at LSWT 

* Open Government – Partizipation 2.0 & Kollaboration 2.0, Joern von 
Lucke (Zeppelin-Universität)
* Erfahrungsbericht zur Entwicklung von, Jonathan Gray (OKFN)
* Die Open Gov Data Initiative in Österreich ( 
inkl. – österr. Forschungsprojekte in der LOD Cloud, Martin 
Kaltenböck (Semantic Web Company)
* Das Linked Environment Data Projekt des Umweltbundesamts, Thomas 
Bandholtz (innoQ)
* panel discussion with members of the federal government and local 

The language at LSWT will be German.

I wanted to announce that briefly in this group, since there might be 
some German speaking members for whom this could be of interest. Please 
also let me know if you have suggestions who to invite additionally 
(possibly also as speaker).



*Leipziger Semantic Web Tag* am 6. Mai:

Sören Auer, AKSW/Computer Science Dept., University of Leipzig,  Skype: soerenauer

Received on Monday, 15 March 2010 13:26:16 UTC