Re: Agenda eGov IG 2010-01-06 - Item 6

That sounds interesting; is any government using it for official publications yet?  
David Pullinger 
Head of Digital Policy
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>>> Chris Beer <> 06/01/2010 14:34 >>>
Another good LGD "case" could be all .gov library data world wide, from LoC to WorldCat - uses MARC21, soon to be replaced by RDA which is a DC/XML friendly schema/ont for publications? Good because it's well established all ready and we can provide concrete working examples of tools that interrogate that data.



Thomas Bandholtz wrote: 

Sandro Hawke schrieb:

6. Discussion: Linked Data Demo
+  What has George Been Up To?
+  Other ideas for a demo?
    Talking about see something coming up around the Ecoinformatics cooperation, mainly
driven by USEPA and EEA.
There has been more and more discussion about Linking Open Data last
year, and the Ecoterm activity of this coop is currently finalising a
"Report on the outcome of the Ecoterm V Workshop" to be published soon.

Some preliminary quotes from the current draft:

"The Ecoterm product/service to be developed is a federated approach to
accessing terminology and knowledge organization systems in the area of
the environment that would allow them to be accessed, interchanged, and
used in traditional indexing and search approaches, as well as semantic
web applications. The idea is to share the content of these rich
resources in such a way that duplication of effort can be avoided and
interchange and integration of various structured and unstructured data
can be enhanced. The approach should allow the vocabularies to be linked
over time, as appropriate, and for resources to be linked to these

"An approach that can be implemented by organizations somewhat
independent of one another, since the Ecoinformatics International
Technical Collaboration, while based on an international agreement, does
not have an extensive governance structure or funding support"

"An approach that can begin as a prototype but is robust enough to grow
into a useful product/service"

"SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) would be used to publish
the thesauri and other terminology systems. The SKOS files would also be
published as linked data."

"Complement this with voiD files ( which
are used to describe RDF resources in a linked data environment."
"A simple umbrella web page would be created to aid in the management,
promotion, and access to this network of linked data."

This comes pretty close to a GLD use case, especially as I am expecting
USEPA, EEA and national agencies to publish environmental observation
data around this reference vocabulary.

Actually this is not a demo of the eGov-IG but rather a real world use
case so far.

I am currently in discussion about cooperating and will point ro the
report as soon as it gets published.
Ecoterm is here:
Kind regards,


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