Re: Agenda eGov IG 2010-01-06 - Item 6

Another good LGD "case" could be all .gov library data world wide, from 
LoC to WorldCat - uses MARC21, soon to be replaced by RDA which is a 
DC/XML friendly schema/ont for publications? Good because it's well 
established all ready and we can provide concrete working examples of 
tools that interrogate that data.



Thomas Bandholtz wrote:
> Sandro Hawke schrieb:
>> 6. Discussion: Linked Data Demo
>> +  What has George Been Up To?
>> +  Other ideas for a demo?
> Talking about
> I see something coming up around the Ecoinformatics cooperation, mainly
> driven by USEPA and EEA.
> There has been more and more discussion about Linking Open Data last
> year, and the Ecoterm activity of this coop is currently finalising a
> "Report on the outcome of the Ecoterm V Workshop" to be published soon.
> Some preliminary quotes from the current draft:
> "The Ecoterm product/service to be developed is a federated approach to
> accessing terminology and knowledge organization systems in the area of
> the environment that would allow them to be accessed, interchanged, and
> used in traditional indexing and search approaches, as well as semantic
> web applications. The idea is to share the content of these rich
> resources in such a way that duplication of effort can be avoided and
> interchange and integration of various structured and unstructured data
> can be enhanced. The approach should allow the vocabularies to be linked
> over time, as appropriate, and for resources to be linked to these
> vocabularies."
> "An approach that can be implemented by organizations somewhat
> independent of one another, since the Ecoinformatics International
> Technical Collaboration, while based on an international agreement, does
> not have an extensive governance structure or funding support"
> "An approach that can begin as a prototype but is robust enough to grow
> into a useful product/service"
> "SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) would be used to publish
> the thesauri and other terminology systems. The SKOS files would also be
> published as linked data."
> "Complement this with voiD files ( which
> are used to describe RDF resources in a linked data environment."
> "A simple umbrella web page would be created to aid in the management,
> promotion, and access to this network of linked data."
> This comes pretty close to a GLD use case, especially as I am expecting
> USEPA, EEA and national agencies to publish environmental observation
> data around this reference vocabulary.
> Actually this is not a demo of the eGov-IG but rather a real world use
> case so far.
> I am currently in discussion about cooperating and will point ro the
> report as soon as it gets published.
> Ecoterm is here:
> Kind regards,
> Thomas

Received on Wednesday, 6 January 2010 14:35:30 UTC