Re: [WebTech] Types of Online Government Services - Vocabulary

Hello Chris

I'm afraid I've not followed discussions in depth so apologies in advance if
my comments are naive .

Do we have a definition of "service"?

In UK local government, we have controlled lists at: That includes the Local Government Services
List which can be browsed at:

The model is being upgraded and replaced by a richer set of
lists expressed in SKOS format with relationships between them.  You can see
that from the pages at:

Your list contains a mixture of what we would consider to be
interaction/transaction types and 'functions', ie broad service areas.  That
may well be adequate for your purposes.

I hope this helps.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 00:36, <> wrote:

> Hello all
> In keeping with the "Delivery of Government Services" part of the project,
> the following is a potential list of online (or offline) services
> delivered by the Public Sector. I've derived it from the AGLS Service
> Vocabulary Scheme developed by the National Archives of Australia - link
> below.
> I'd like people to pull it apart, discuss it, comment on it and add to it
> based on their own experiences and jurisdictions.
> This will also be up for discussion as an agenda item for the Project
> initial call on the 4th of March. Hopefully at that point it will be a
> simple matter of acceptance by the group about groupings/categories for
> services to give us areas to focus on. Some groupings will probably be
> obvious (eg: e-commerce/transations) but some might not be.
> The list here contains the values only, without scope. You can view the
> full scheme here:
> The NAA is welcoming suggestions and feedback on this vocabulary - there
> may be some opportunity for some outreach out of this discussion :)
> The basic list is as follows:
> --------------------------
> * Applications (general applications/requests)
> * Benefits and entitlements
> * Bills, rates and levies
> * Bonds
> * Bookings and Reservations
> * Business Advisory
> * Certificates
> * Claims
> * Communications forums (eg: chat services, listservs)
> * Complaints and appeals
> * Data exchange
> * Enquiries
> * Enrolments
> * Financial (general e-commerce)
> * Grants
> * Infringements and fines
> * Legal advisory
> * Licences and permits
> * Lodgements (formal statements or submissions to court, tribunal, inquiry
> etc)
> * Orders and Purchases
> * Refunds
> * Registrations
> * Renewals
> * Subscription
> * Technical
> * Tenders
> * Testing
> * Training
> * Transactions
> --------------------------------
> I look forward to the responses, comments and thoughts!
> Cheers
> Chris Beer
> Co-ordinator - WebTech Project

Received on Monday, 22 February 2010 09:18:01 UTC