- From: Steven Clift <clift@e-democracy.org>
- Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 12:47:02 -0500
- To: sunlightlabs <sunlightlabs@googlegroups.com>
- Cc: "mySociety public, general purpose discussion list" <developers-public@lists.mysociety.org>, TransparencyCamp <transparencycamp@googlegroups.com>, poliparse@googlegroups.com, open-government@lists.okfn.org, munigov@googlegroups.com, eGovIG IG <public-egov-ig@w3.org>, public-media-camp <public-media-camp@googlegroups.com>
Last year I queried the Sunlight Labs group and others to see if there was interest in a decidedly technical/uber geek exchange among those active with transparency, participation, and Gov 2.0 at the _ local _ level. The answer that came back was a resounding yes. Then CityCamp happened and the online group for that unconference took on a life of its own and our attention. That exchange - http://e-democracy.org/citycamp - is far more policy-oriented and is firmly established. To now encourage unfettered critical mass technical exchange, we now figure it is time to bring the 173 member LocalLabs group to life. So, for those who code, scrape, design, etc. AND you care about things local, have at it: http://e-democracy.org/locallabs Introductions so far: http://forums.e-democracy.org/r/topic/648FBj9lIxIUj3zdfIHhkf Cheers, Steven Clift E-Democracy.org P.S. We've supported this year of specialized "next generation online civic engagement" convening with support from the Ford Foundation through our Participation 3.0 effort. We have one other final online group that opened recently - the very international Digital Inclusion Network (now with 318 members): http://e-democracy.org/di Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com Executive Director - http://E-Democracy.Org Follow me - http://twitter.com/democracy New Tel: +1.612.234.7072
Received on Thursday, 5 August 2010 17:47:31 UTC