Re:* memo

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 21:04, Joe Carmel<> wrote:
> But my hunch is governments won't want to point to a resource outside their
> control.

Agreed. It was the technique rather than the specific CC license I
wanted to show. Government organizations should define similar
licenses for data use and could apply those to both individual data
sets as well as "all data from a specific website".

> What if the CIO_Council/White House/GPO/LOC/FirstGov/ established
> copyright URIs like
> and asked the Federal government (or even just their agency) to
> point to those pages as needed?  OTOH, if something like this
> already exists within the government, I think its use should be promoted.

To minimize license proliferation I believe that it would be a task
for some central government organization (or maybe global?).  A set of
licenses that are clearly defined could have URI:s in the .gov domain
(or where people feel confident).

I would like to see a license ontology to make sure the actual license
features were machine readable as much as possible. Some work in that
direction seems to be going on here:

With licenses where the actual license features were machine
understandable, it would be possible to stick the identifier to your
actual data and enable users to do the right thing even when the data
has been transformed and meshed-up.

And, with machine processable license limitations it would
theoretically be possible to generate the sum of restrictions for data
that has been merged from various sources.

Anyone wan to spend the summer creating an example scenario with W3C
technologies? It would have been interesting to do a small demo in
OWL, RDF and SPARQL. The technology is already here :-)


Peter Krantz

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2009 21:19:00 UTC