Re: Social Media Project Task


You make very good points.  Maybe the case studies can be highlighted in the
IG note.  I do think that case studies outside of government will be
helpful.  Governments have tended to approach social media in a one
dimensional approach.  There are exceptions (like the EPA, DARPA, NASA in
the US).  But businesses and other organizations have found some pretty
innovative ways to use social media tools (i.e. Comcast, Virgin Airlines,
and others).

Owen, also makes good point that the open government directives
"collaboration" and "participation" objectives make our social media work
and the useful of technologies like StratML timely (at least in the US).

I would still like to see the social media project support the outreach
effort of the group in promoting the Open Government Data and Linked
Government Data projects.  Seems like the prefect vehicle for making our
point of social media.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Chris Beer <>wrote:

> Hi Brian
> The Social Media project as stated is something that I think really needs
> to be done - the fact is that there is a lot of policy as well as technology
> and practicalities that any .gov entity moving into the SM space will want
> hard direction on - such as an IG note.
> But you're right - we should practise what we preach. I think it's a
> brilliant idea, especially given the state of our case studies page :) And
> it could almost be it's own project. The problem with utilising it as a
> method for case study is the W3C is not a government organisation, and
> ultimately, we don't face, and unless simulated (on which bias could be
> called) can't really convey the issues faced by governments. While I think
> it will have merit as a case study into how collaboration can work (W3C is
> collaboratively driven after all, and a case study of the formulation of any
> W3C official document would work equally as well), what we really need are
> case studies from within the .gov.* sphere.
> My two cents :)
> Cheers
> Chris Beer
> Canberra, Australia
> Brian Gryth wrote:
>  Hello all,
> I wanted to flush out an idea before proposing/posting it to the project
> wiki page.
> One of the projects this group has identified regards the use of social
> media tools by government entities.
> The projects wiki pages states that the IG will augment work that has
> already been done by other groups by including the IGs "international,
> standards-based perspective" in the discussion.  (Which could be useful if
> we would say anything different or new).  As stated on the project page, the
> work product to be generated would be a W3C Interest Group Note.  If this is
> the desired outcome of the group, I think that it will be fine and will
> added to the discourse.
> Alternatively, I would like to suggest that the social media project be a
> practical experiment that generates a use case of how the IG utilized social
> media tools for the outreach and education aspect of the second charter.  I
> believe that social media is augment to an agency’s or organizations work.
> So I suggest that we use the social media project as a method to augment
> the OGD and LGD projects and as a way to distribute the demos and other
> materials produced by the group.  All of those efforts can lead to a use
> case for how to use social media by a organization.
> Please comment as I would like to hear the thoughts of others.
> Thanks
> Brian
> Brian Peltola Gryth
> 715 Logan street
> Denver, CO 80203
> 303-748-5447

Received on Monday, 14 December 2009 19:24:49 UTC