RE: ISSUE-36 (Daniel): Providing Documentation/Schemas/APIs [Open Government Data]

To the degree that XML schemas are used, this issue could be sharpened by suggesting that the definitions of each element should be documented in plain language in <xsd:documentation> elements contained within each schema.

The <xsd:appinfo> element can also be used, but I personally care most about the data rather than the software.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of eGovernment Interest Group Issue Tracker
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 9:40 AM
Subject: ISSUE-36 (Daniel): Providing Documentation/Schemas/APIs [Open Government Data]

ISSUE-36 (Daniel): Providing Documentation/Schemas/APIs [Open Government Data]

Raised by: Daniel Bennett
On product: Open Government Data

Change the section to Providing Documentation, Schemas and APIs

Add language to say, 
Governments should always provide full documentation to help explain data as explicitly and clearly as possible. Additionally, ....

Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2009 14:38:56 UTC