Re: ISSUE-19 (human-readable-formats): The mention of human readable format using HTML seems unclearly focused [Open Government Data]


If you have read the recent messages on plain language and intended  
audience, you'll understand. It's just a simple example. What would  
you like to see there and why? Suggested replacement text even better.


El 17/04/2009, a las 12:38, eGovernment Interest Group Issue Tracker  
> ISSUE-19 (human-readable-formats): The mention of human readable  
> format using HTML seems unclearly focused [Open Government Data]
> Raised by: Dave McAllister
> On product: Open Government Data
> The mention of human readable format using HTML seems unclearly  
> focused.  Is
> this HTML3, XHTML, CSS?  How about other recognized human readable  
> formats
> for document data?

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 11:41:03 UTC