At 08:07 AM 4/14/2009, Jose M. Alonso wrote:
>2. Any new Members around? Intros.
Hello all,
I am Sharron Rush, Executive Director of Knowbility a nonprofit IT
accessibility advocacy and training organization. I serve on the
Education and Outreach WG for WAI and have been compiling our group
comments on the Working Draft that you all recently put out for
comment. There is probably no other arena more important for
accessible IT than in Open Government information and services. I am
also part of the <>Transparent
Federal Budget Project and a board member of the
<>Texas Observer.
I am happy to join you and appreciate the opportunity to contribute
and to help bring the disability perspective and my own keen interest
to this important work.
Thanks for inviting me!
Sharron Rush | Executive Director | | 512 305-0310
Equal access to technology for people with disabilities