[minutes] eGovernment Interest Group - Chairs + TF Coordinators Call, 26 Sep 2008


The minutes are available at:

an as text below.

Kevin and John will brief the Group about the call and how to move  



Government Interest Group - Chairs + TF Coordinators Call
26 Sep 2008

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2008/09/26-egov-irc


           Josema, John Sheridan, Kevin Novak, Oscar Azaņon (part)

           Chris Testa

           Kevin, John



      * [3]Summary of Action Items

    josema: welcome ideas on how to move forward

    john: I have some ideas that can share
    ... we need to focus on basic things

    [talk about US/UK approaches]

    [practicalities, is WebArch really understood?]

    [key: how we can support the people involved in those projects to
    understand the basics]

    [maybe we take some from granted, but it should be understandable
    for them]

    [need to improve the way we communicate wrt standards]

    [from W3C stack of technologies to useful government suite of W3C

    [risk of some people thinking this too easy, but a long standing

    [we need to contextualize]

    [we could do start it ourselves, but how to engage the Group?]

    [but it's very inclusive activity, everybody can contribute]

    [use cases: we are not expecting people to get to any technical

    [we were expecting simple things, overview]

    [risk of people going into very technical detail]

    [agreement on that we need to go ahead with this]

    [basic use cases + good practice on how to use the basics]

    [example topic: content syndication]

    john: working on something along these lines
    ... will be able to share in a while
    ... we should start with very simple diagrams
    ... very simple text
    ... two step process: very easy first, and then guidance on
    ... W3C standards use

    josema: where to start? compilation of use cases?

    john: could be ok as start but from elementary level
    ... not deeply technical stuff

    [another key issue: provenance and authoritative source of

    [...and need to achieve trust]

    [another topic: what information should be available for free or
    paid for]

    [scope is getting huge again though]

    kevin: pressure to agencies to make their data openly available
    ... but big challenge: how they can control is used according to the
    "terms of service"

    john: and you enter the licensing issues world...

    [need a use case on trust/authority/provenance]

    josema: regular chairs call?

    kevin: ok

    oscar: ok

    john: ok, but better one hour later than group

    RESOLUTION: chairs call at 15:00 UTC every other week (starting on

    josema: how to proceed?

    kevin: need to discuss by email
    ... john and I, then present to the Group

    ACTION kevin, john to prepare agenda for next Group call


Summary of Action Items

    [4]ACTION-8 and [5]ACTION-9 john, kevin to discuss by email prepare
    agenda for next Group call

       [4] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/track/actions/8
       [5] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/track/actions/9

    [End of minutes]

Jose M. Alonso <josema@w3.org>    W3C/CTIC
eGovernment Lead                  http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2008 10:04:13 UTC