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public-egov-ig@w3.org from June 2008
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24 messages
Friday, 13 June 2008 17:05:52 UTC,
Saturday, 28 June 2008 16:23:18 UTC
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[minutes] eGov IG - 25 June 2008
Jose M. Alonso
(Wednesday, 25 June)
Fwd: [minutes] eGov IG - 25 June 2008
Jose M. Alonso
(Wednesday, 25 June)
Other affiliations and involvements
Robin Berjon
(Wednesday, 25 June)
XBC use cases
Robin Berjon
(Wednesday, 25 June)
Re: XBC use cases
Robin Berjon
(Friday, 27 June)
Re: XBC use cases
Jose M. Alonso
(Friday, 27 June)
Re: XBC use cases
Bruce Eggum
(Friday, 27 June)
structuring the wiki [was: Re: XBC use cases]
Jose M. Alonso
(Friday, 27 June)
RE: structuring the wiki [was: Re: XBC use cases]
Testa, Chris
(Friday, 27 June)
participation in the eGov IG
Jose M. Alonso
(Wednesday, 25 June)
W3C eGov IG Charter in StratML Format
Owen Ambur
(Wednesday, 25 June)
[agenda] eGov IG telecon, 25 June 2008
Jose M. Alonso
(Tuesday, 24 June)
Re: [agenda] eGov IG telecon, 25 June 2008
Jose M. Alonso
(Tuesday, 24 June)
welcome: kick-off telecon on 25 June 2008
Jose M. Alonso
(Friday, 13 June)
Re: welcome: kick-off telecon on 25 June 2008
Robin Berjon
(Tuesday, 24 June)
Re: welcome: kick-off telecon on 25 June 2008
Jose M. Alonso
(Tuesday, 24 June)
Re: welcome: kick-off telecon on 25 June 2008
(Wednesday, 25 June)
Last message date
: Saturday, 28 June 2008 16:23:18 UTC