Re: first very rough editor's draft of group note

El 11/12/2008, a las 3:42, Owen Ambur escribió:
> Jose, you said: "... one of the main Group's goals [is] to make W3C  
> better
> speak in government terms ..."

Yes, and it's in the charter:

> In the U.S., that is the essence of the purpose of the Federal  
> Enterprise
> Architecture (FEA) reference models, i.e., to establish the terms and
> categories by which agencies are supposed to consider IT investments:
> As far as W3C Recommendations are concerned, the FEA Technical  
> Reference
> Model (TRM) is most relevant:
> Relatively few of the W3C's Recommendations are currently included  
> in the
> TRM:

Ok. I remember you (maybe someone else) mentioned about this before.  

> Proposed changes to the FEA models are due by January 12 for  
> consideration
> in the FY 2011 budget cycle.

What's the rationale and process?
I'm copying Kevin since he will probably understand it better than me  
anyway :)

-- Jose

> Owen Ambur
> Co-Chair Emeritus, xmlCoP
> Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
> Member, AIIM iECM Committee
> Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG
> Membership Director, FIRM Board
> Former Project Manager,

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2008 15:56:02 UTC