minutes 2023-01-12

[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:03:46 CET] Join You
(~johannes@d9560e24.public.cloak) have joined the channel #editing.
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:03:46 CET] Mode Channel modes:
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:03:46 CET] Created This channel was created
on 2023-01-09 01:47.
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:03:50 CET] <smaug>
https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent https://www.w3.org/2008/04/scribe.html
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:04:22 CET] <smaug> scribe: smaug
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:04:49 CET] <smaug> topic:
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:04:49 CET] * github-bot Because I don't want
to spam github issues unnecessarily, I won't comment in that github issue
unless you write "Github: <issue-url> | none" (or "Github issue:
..."/"Github topic: ...").
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:06:07 CET] <sanketj> Link to Delayed
Clipboard Rendering explainer:
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:07:59 CET] <smaug> ana: goal is to improve
performance. Going through the proposed solution
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:09:31 CET] <whsieh> q+
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:10:56 CET] <smaug> whsieh: wondering if the
the spec already fulfills the use case
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:11:37 CET] <smaug> anypam: we want to wait
until the target app needs the data
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:11:38 CET] Join AlexK
(~AlexK@d9560e24.public.cloak) has joined this channel.
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:12:18 CET] <whsieh>
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:12:30 CET] <whsieh> typedef
Promise<ClipboardItemDataType> ClipboardItemData;
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:13:35 CET] <smaug> whsieh: UA could only call
the promise when data is needed
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:16:54 CET] <smaug> sanket: wondering is there
are limitations with resolving the promise with a blob
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:18:36 CET] <snianu> we can discuss more about
promise vs callback in the issue async. Need some time to think through
what all cases might not work with the promise approach.
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:19:34 CET] <smaug> johanneswilm: how does the
proposal work if the browser closes
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:19:44 CET] <johanneswilm> or native app
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:21:31 CET] <smaug> smaug: could also consider
some generic API for async Blobs or such
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:21:50 CET] <smaug> sanket: are there any
concerns about the concept?
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:21:58 CET] <smaug> whsieh: no concerns
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:22:10 CET] <smaug> smaug: no concerns
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:22:48 CET] <smaug> whsieh: would it be left
up to UA whether to do delayed rendering?
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:23:14 CET] <smaug> sanket: should probably be
MAY in the spec
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:24:28 CET] <smaug> ACTION: everyone to take a
look at the existing API and check if it can be used for the delayed
rendering use case.
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:24:31 CET] * RRSAgent records action 1
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:26:24 CET] <smaug> topic:
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:26:25 CET] * github-bot Because I don't want
to spam github issues unnecessarily, I won't comment in that github issue
unless you write "Github: <issue-url> | none" (or "Github issue:
..."/"Github topic: ...").
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:28:26 CET] <smaug> avi: the pull request has
everything I'm requesting
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:28:53 CET] <smaug> whsieh: I like the new name
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:28:59 CET] <smaug> smaug: no concerns
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:33:51 CET] <smaug> avi: the spec change is
small. Not changing anything web visible.
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:36:06 CET] <snianu>
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:36:07 CET] * github-bot Because I don't want
to spam github issues unnecessarily, I won't comment in that github issue
unless you write "Github: <issue-url> | none" (or "Github issue:
..."/"Github topic: ...").
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:37:22 CET] <smaug> snianu: need to get pr 175
reviewed first
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:38:19 CET] <smaug> snianu: I can make the
change to org.w3 in pr 175
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:39:04 CET] <smaug> avi: sounds good.
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:39:39 CET] <smaug> avi: will land the change
to the explainer
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:39:44 CET] <smaug> topic:
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:39:44 CET] * github-bot Because I don't want
to spam github issues unnecessarily, I won't comment in that github issue
unless you write "Github: <issue-url> | none" (or "Github issue:
..."/"Github topic: ...").
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:40:58 CET] <smaug> johanneswilm: Input
Events, in order to move to CR:
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:40:58 CET] * github-bot Because I don't want
to spam github issues unnecessarily, I won't comment in that github issue
unless you write "Github: <issue-url> | none" (or "Github issue:
..."/"Github topic: ...").
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:41:48 CET] <snianu>
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:43:22 CET] <smaug> johanneswilm: concerns
about Virtual keyboard?
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:43:52 CET] <smaug> smaug: need to check if we
have standards position for Virtual keyboard
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:44:30 CET] <smaug> johanneswilm: only
Chromium implements?
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:44:45 CET] <smaug> whsieh: we don't
implement, but there is interest
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:44:57 CET] <smaug> johanneswilm: EditContext
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:45:29 CET] <smaug> Alex: we want to continue
making progress
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:45:58 CET] <smaug> johanneswilm:
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:46:15 CET] <smaug> Alex: behind a flag, on
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:48:54 CET] <smaug> RRSAgent: create minutes
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:48:57 CET] <RRSAgent> I have made the request
to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/12-editing-minutes.html smaug
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:49:14 CET] <johanneswilm> thanks for scribing
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:49:45 CET] <smaug> johanneswilm: trying to
figure out if the minutes were generated
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:49:55 CET] <smaug> does that happen lazily ?
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:50:43 CET] <johanneswilm> yes
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:50:51 CET] <johanneswilm> the link is dead
for a few minutes
[torsdag 12 januari 2023] [17:50:56 CET] <smaug> ah, ok

Johannes Wilm, PhD
tel +46766922220

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2023 15:32:38 UTC