New API proposals from Editing TFs discussions

adding few folks from Microsoft that previously expressed interest in these APIs.

Hi Everyone,

I am writing to let you know that we have couple of proposals publicized on WICG that were inspired by some of the discussions in Editing group.
[Proposal] EditContext API<>
EditContext API was inspired by discussions in Editing TF. It allows web applications a deeper integration with operating systems’ input services. The proposed design allows for clean separation of document object model and data model and a number of other benefits that are not available to a web developer today. Some of the gaps that the proposal aims to fill in the web platform: Very hard to build interoperable text editor on the web using browser primitives, i.e. contenteditable or textare...
[Proposal] Highlight API<>
This proposal was inspired by this issue in Editing discussions. Highlight API allows web developers to style arbitrary range objects without causing DOM updates of the view. There are a number of scenarios where this would be useful, including third party spellcheck and grammar extensions, javascript implementation of find-on-page, or javascript, rendering of its own selection. Currently, browsers do not provide this functionality which forces web developers to modify DOM in order to achieve...
Would love for you to take a look at it and provide some feedback on the idea, design, etc...


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Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 18:30:12 UTC