Re: Invitation to DXWG Plenary Meeting on November 23rd at 20:00 UTC

Oh nuts, I got bitten by the time change bug after all. It’s my own fault, really, since the invite kindly gave the time in UTC. I just didn’t realize that was a change for my timezone.

Having voted “no” to publishing the latest editor’s draft, I figure I owe you all an explanation. I do like the direction of the current changes, and I think I’m in agreement on all the items that were actually updated. However, there remain many issue notes from before that have gone un-addressed. For the third public working draft, I think we ought to be further along in resolving those issues. I know there was a hope that more input from outside the group would surface, but I think many people need to see a concrete point of view presented to be motivated to weigh in. In addition, and as Antoine noted, there are some areas that simply need editorial changes marked as “to be updated”. I noticed a few additional areas that were not marked to be updated but still were written from the v2 point of view. I think that may confuse potential reviewers and also lead to less feedback. Overall, the draft as it now sits feels less complete than I think it ought to be at this stage of development.

> On Nov 22, 2021, at 8:54 AM, Caroline Burle <> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> we are happy to invite you to join the DXWG Plenary meeting. It will be on Tuesday, November 23rd at 20:00 UTC.
> The agenda is available at
> Hoping to see you all there!
> Kind regards,
> Caroline & Peter

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 21:25:37 UTC