Re: [dxwg] Service vs endpoint (#1242)


> To me the key intention of DataService is that it defines an API to automate interaction, beyond the basic HTTP CRUD operations operating on files that a web browser does (accessURL and downloadURL handle these cases). Humans interact with the dataService through some software application that uses functionality of the DataService API. See [#1242 (comment)](, above

Is then a JSON REST API which just implements HTTP CRUD operations for you a distribution? For me that is actually a prototypical example of a dataservice. 

Also is a webbrowser for you an software application? Or is is it at the level of an operating system? 

It is hard for me to draw strict lines, I am in the search for some good criteria. And the above ones were the best guidelines I could define in a few sentences, which would lead so somehow a coherent catalog.

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