- From: Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net>
- Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 14:27:47 -0800
- To: "public-dxwg-wg@w3.org" <public-dxwg-wg@w3.org>
I sent mail in July of 2020[1] linking to a list of open PROF issues. This was a response to the discussion in the July 21, 2020 meeting,[2] in which Rob indicated that the open issues still being considered were the ones in the document. The text of my email reads: **** All, Here is a list of the PROF open issues with those included in the 2pwd noted: https://hackmd.io/6OU7J3XpReic-9E_w-UqSg?view I have been assuming that PROF is "feature complete" at this point, mainly due to the work on implementations. But I do not have a sense of where the editors see it going after this. This would become clearer if the editors could propose closing issues they do not intend to address. **** That list marks those issues that were referenced in what I believe was the current version of the PROF. I don't know if any of those have been decided on. Also, there have been other issues created, I believe, that are not on this list. I will look back over these issues and those for profiles guidance and may mark up this list some more. I may or may not have a preference for which should be closed as out of scope or deferred but I'll think about that. kc [1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-wg/2020Jul/0064.html [2] https://www.w3.org/2020/07/21-dxwg-minutes -- Karen Coyle kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net skype: kcoylenet
Received on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 22:28:58 UTC