Found my list

I sent mail in July of 2020[1] linking to a list of open PROF issues. 
This was a response to the discussion in the July 21, 2020 meeting,[2] 
in which Rob indicated that the open issues still being considered were 
the ones in the document. The text of my email reads:


Here is a list of the PROF open issues with those included in the 2pwd

I have been assuming that PROF is "feature complete" at this point,
mainly due to the work on implementations. But I do not have a sense of
where the editors see it going after this. This would become clearer if
the editors could propose closing issues they do not intend to address.


That list marks those issues that were referenced in what I believe was 
the current version of the PROF. I don't know if any of those have been 
decided on. Also, there have been other issues created, I believe, that 
are not on this list.

I will look back over these issues and those for profiles guidance and 
may mark up this list some more. I may or may not have a preference for 
which should be closed as out of scope or deferred but I'll think about 


Karen Coyle
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 22:28:58 UTC