Fwd: [RDA Newsletter] The TRUST Principles - An RDA Community Effort


This is just to keep in our records another initiative that may be taken
into account if in DCAT 3 we are planning to address more in detail
catalogues / datasets compliance with data quality principles.

In particular, this TRUST principles (Transparency, Responsibility, User
focus, Sustainability, Technology) are complementary to the FAIR ones, and
are specifically targeted to "digital repositories".



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From: rd-alliance.org <no-reply@rd-alliance.org>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2020 at 4:01 AM
Subject: [RDA Newsletter] The TRUST Principles - An RDA Community Effort
To: <ndr.prg@gmail.com>

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20 May 2020

[image: RDA]
The TRUST Principles - An RDA Community Effort

An RDA community effort has led to the development and publication, in
Nature Research’s Scientific Data, of the article, “The TRUST Principles
for digital repositories”. These principles offer guidance for maintaining
the trustworthiness of digital repositories, especially those responsible
for the stewardship of research data. Guidance for each of the TRUST
Principles is reproduced below.

*The TRUST Principles*

*Principle* *Guidance for Repositories*
*T*ransparency To be transparent about specific repository services and
data holdings that are verifiable by publicly accessible evidence.
*R*esponsibility To be responsible for ensuring the authenticity and
integrity of data holdings and for the reliability and persistence of its
*U*ser Focus To ensure that the data management norms and expectations of
target user communities are met.
*S*ustainability To sustain services and preserve data holdings for the
*T*echnology To provide infrastructure and capabilities to support secure,
persistent, and reliable services.

*Source: Lin et al., 2020. The TRUST Principles for Digital Repositories.
Scientific Data https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0486-7

The concept of the TRUST Principles was initiated within discussions among
RDA members and formally launched as a community discussion during the RDA
13th Plenary session, “RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories: Build
TRUST to be FAIR - Emerging Needs of Certification in Life Sciences,
Geosciences and Humanities”, which was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
USA on 4 April 2019. Since those early discussions, several RDA community
members, representing diverse disciplines, collaboratively explored these
issues. This community collaboration led to the publication of “The TRUST
Principles for digital repositories” in Scientific Data, a Nature Journal.

The TRUST Principles have already been endorsed by a variety of
organizations that are committed to the stewardship of digital resources
and, in particular, digital research data. Some of the organizations that
already have endorsed the TRUST Principles have offered statements to
support their endorsements. Dr. Robert S. Chen, a RDA member and Director
of the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
at The Earth Institute of Columbia University, notes, "The TRUST Principles
will help us ensure that detailed data about the past and present are
preserved and accessible to both science and society in the long run--data
that are vital to understanding, predicting, and adapting to a rapidly
changing future."
Other organizations also are invited to endorse the TRUST Principles
and may contact *enquiries[at]rd-alliance.org <http://rd-alliance.org>* in
order to do so.

   1. Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN),
   The Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA.
   2. Comisión de Investigaciones Cientificas
   3. CoreTrustSeal
   4. Data Archive and Network Services (DANS), The Netherlands
   5. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
   6. Odum Institute UNC-Chapel Hill
   7. Springer Nature
   8. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
   9. Virginia Tech University Libraries
   10. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC), German Climate Computing
   Center (DKRZ), Hamburg, Germany.
   11. World Data System


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Received on Thursday, 21 May 2020 09:40:32 UTC