Re: [dxwg] question > is a software solution a dcat:Dataset? (#1221)

To be honest, I find a discussion on how you could model catalogues of things with DCAT a bit theoretical. Do we really expect people to start repurposing the Data Catalog vocabulary for such catalogues? Maybe, but is that something that is urgent to consider at this point in time?

I do not understand @kcoyle when she writes that _most people are not going to consider a single file a "collection of data"_. As far as I understand, the whole concept of a `dcat:Dataset` is that it, in its most simple form, is associated with a single file, described by `dcat:Distribution`. The file contains pieces of data (e.g. observations) and is accessible at `dcat:accessURL` or `dcat:downloadURL`. How is such a file not a collection of data?

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Received on Monday, 30 March 2020 08:02:27 UTC