New meeting time proposals for Conneg subgroup

In yesterday's meeting, we briefly discussed a new meeting time for the conneg subgroup. Currently, we're Wednesdays at 20:00 UTC which sort of works, but with upcoming/ending DST that will be 22:00 in continental Europe and 06:00 in the relevant Australian time zones which is awkward to some of the regular participants.

Since we've had limited participation from the Americas, the following proposals target time zones that are UTC+.

  UTC Central Europe (CEST, UTC+2) Brisbane/Wollongong (AEST, UTC+10)
Monday 04:00 06:00     14:00
Tuesday 04:00 06:00     14:00
Wednesday 04:00 06:00     14:00
Wednesday 08:00 10:00     18:00
Wednesday 09:00 11:00     19:00
Wednesday 10:00 12:00     20:00
Wednesday 11:00 13:00     21:00
Wednesday 12:00 14:00     22:00
Thursday 04:00 06:00     14:00
Thursday 08:00 10:00     18:00
Thursday 09:00 11:00     19:00
Thursday 10:00 12:00     20:00
Thursday 11:00 13:00     21:00
Thursday 12:00 14:00     22:00
Friday  04:00 06:00     14:00

If this gets too complicated, I'll set up a doodle...




Received on Thursday, 28 March 2019 08:17:21 UTC