Poll for f2f at TPAC September 2019


I haven't tried this before, but Philippe pointed me to a questionnaire
capability that W3C has that I hadn't known about. So quite
experimentally I've created a poll to get feedback on who thinks they
might be able to come to the f2f at TPAC in Japan. The link is:


I'm assuming that your W3C ID gets you access to this, but I guess we'll
find out when you try.

Thanks for your patience. If this works ok we can use it for lots of
other things like straw polls and votes, both of which are hard to do in
the resources we have now. (And Philippe pointed out that there isn't a
way to have a cut-off date for votes on github.)

Let me know what you think of this, and do fill in your availability for

Karen Coyle
kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2019 23:52:54 UTC