Fwd: W3C TPAC 2019 - Will your Community Group meet in Fukuoka?

This is a call to groups to reserve space for TPAC 2019 in Japan.
Although the group should have completed its charter before then, and
(as I understand from Philippe) the "evergreen" status may not begin
before 2020, I've been asked to ping the group to know if there is
anyone who anticipates attending. If so, we could reserve a room for a
day to catch up and plan next steps.

Please reply if you could attend.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:  W3C TPAC 2019 - Will your Community Group meet in Fukuoka?
Resent-Date:  Thu, 07 Mar 2019 20:23:50 +0000
Resent-From:  public-idcg@w3.org
Date:  Thu, 7 Mar 2019 21:21:28 +0100
From:  Alexandra Lacourba <alex@w3.org>
Organization:  W3C
To:  'tp' <w3t-tpregister@w3.org>

[This e-mail is bcc'ed to all public lists of existing W3C Community

Dear participants of the W3C Community Groups,

Once again, the Community Groups have the possibility to meetduring
TPAC2019 which willbe held in Fukuoka, Japan at the "Hilton Fukuoka Sea

TPAC 2019
16 - 20 September 2019
Fukuoka, Japan
https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC-template/Overview.html We ask you to
start discussions to determine whether and when yourgroup(s) would like
to meetduring this week. Please complete the following questionnaire by
12 April 2019:

https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/CGsTPAC2019/ W3C Community Groups can
hold 2-hour meetings on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. The Available
slots willbe: 8:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 12:30 13:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 17:30 We
willbe able to accommodate 4 meetings per day, so 16 over the entire
TPACweek. Outside of their Community Groupmeetings, non W3C-Member CG
participants may attend as observers the Working and Interest groups
meetings who accept observers, as well as the Technical Plenary Day
willbe held on 18 September from 08:30-18:00. There will be registration
fees to offset a portion of the meeting costs. If you have any
questions, please contact <w3t-tpregister@w3.org
<mailto:w3t-tpregister@w3.org>>. We look forward to another successful

For the W3C TPAC 2019 Event team
Alexandra Lacourba
W3C Global Event Coordinator


Received on Thursday, 14 March 2019 22:48:55 UTC