Re: Plenary agenda, March 12 2019

Regrets from me.
And apologies for the Profgui group, for which I still couldn't find the time for issues.

Re. Conneg and PROF, +1 for seeing a list of changes. And I think that while 'big' issues are still discussed (I see a lot happening on 869, 788, I'm not sure we're happy with 642, etc) it may be early to release another PWD. At least for PROF. Maybe Conneg is in a much better position right now!



On 12/03/2019 15:49, Karen Coyle wrote:
> Nick, I think we'd need a bit more info about what has changed, what
> issues have been closed, etc. We can put that on the agenda for next
> week. I don't see a list of changes in either document (sometimes
> editors keep a list) so it's hard to know what these WDs represent.
> Conneg has a lot of notes, issues, etc. in the document - are those all
> incomplete issues? If not, cleaning some of that up would really help
> readers.
> kc
> On 3/11/19 4:04 PM, Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) wrote:
>> Apologies for me this week.
>> Just one note for plenary: many edits have flowed through into the PROF and PROF-CONNEG docs in the last week with the most important ones for the former having been identified and fealty with and much feedback for both handled so I’d like plenary to consider whether both can be released now as 2PWDs.
>> Nick
>> Nicholas Car
>> Senior Experimental Scientist
>> | 0477 560 177
>>> On 12 Mar 2019, at 2:29 am, Karen Coyle <> wrote:
>>> Much like previous agendas, but we have lots of catching up and
>>> organizing to do.
>>> There is a catch, however. As of March 10, the US did that bi-annual
>>> inconvenient change of its clocks. With DaveR we have been told that our
>>> webex is tuned to UTC, so there *should be* no time change for those
>>> outside of the US. US folks need to join the call one hour later than
>>> last week. Please check the time-and-date link in the agenda if you are
>>> not sure.
>>> Again, this means that when CET changes in a few weeks we may need to
>>> reconsider our meeting time. And then Australia will also get involved
>>> in this silliness with its own time change. And somewhere someone
>>> thought this would be a good thing. *sigh*
>>> -- 
>>> Karen Coyle
>>> m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
>>> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 16:54:54 UTC