Re: [dxwg] Visual clues in Figures 3 and 4 (#689)

Nick, please check the color-coding against the W3C accessibility
guidelines [1]. Color coding is generally not considered accessible. You
could use gray gradations, patterns, etc. (It's tricky, and has to do
with color-blindness.)


On 3/6/19 3:09 PM, Nicholas Car via GitHub wrote:
> Yes, the caption for the first contains info about the colours:
>> Figure 6 Part of the DCAT-AP Profile described using this ontology.
>> The DCAT-AP profile of DCAT is outlined in blue. The formats of the
>> DCAT-AP Profile's Resource Descriptors are outlined in orange. The
>> roles that those two Resource Descriptors play are outlines in red.
>> The second Resource Descriptor conforms to SHACL, outline in purple.
>> The artifacts (files) that DCAT-AP has, described here by the Resource
>> Descriptors, are outlined in green. 
> I've added this to Figure 7's caption:
>> Figure 7 DCAT-AP and related profiles in a hierarchy. A `Profile`
>> instance has two *is profile of* properties highlighted in blue
>> drawing attention to the allowed multiple use of this property.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2019 00:08:12 UTC