Re: [dxwg] Are PROF roles misplaced in resourceDescription? (#769)

I understand the second of [Karen's two diagrams]( above but not the first. I think we addressed this point [on the list]( Is the first diagram an accurate representation of the model in the current PWD?

> but if you want to axiomitise the shape of that graph - for example require that the format of each artifact is declared, you need a subject of the axiom. RDFS Class, SHACL NodeShape with a targetClass, etc.

@rob-metalinkage Are you saying that a graph node must have an explicit or inferred `rdf:type` statement to be the focus of a shape?  In ShEx it would not. (I'm not sure about SHACL.)  But if artifacts are important, couldn't a class be coined?

This thread is quite long so my comments are based just on the most recent posts; apologies if I'm misreading the issue.

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Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2019 16:13:37 UTC