RE: [profgui] Definitions needed for progress

>> 2. "profile of"
>> What conditions entail that one thing is a profile of another thing?
>> a. - any use of elements (classes, properties), even if minimal (e.g. just use one DC term)[4 - Tom Bakers response] 
>> b. - use of all of the elements from a "base specification" and possibly add elements from another another specification and/or other constraints.
>> c. - use of a "significant portion" of a base specification or other profile.
>> d. - something is a profile of something else if the creator of the profile declares it as such

Lars wrote:

> a. is definitely too weak, d. feels a bit arbitrary. I tend to b. rather than c. even though I understand that there are corner cases 
> where this can be hard. (When it comes to machine-processability I tend towards relatively strict definitions...).

I agree with Lars that b. makes the most sense. For example, the European DCAT-AP mentions each and every property in DCAT-2014 with a usage note. A profile could state "don't use property x" but it should say something about all terms from the specification it is a profile of.


Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2019 11:46:31 UTC