Re: [dxwg] Revisiting the definition of "profile" (#963)

@RubenVerborgh I kinda like the IETF definition too, but I'm also unclear on "of a group of documents" because the wording seems to support two quite different interpretations:
* constraints are somehow contained in a group of documents
* there are some constraints that apply to a group of documents.

In any case, the term "document" is both very broad and very specific. It is specific because it implies "file", but it is broad because what print or digital file is _not_ a "document"?  I take "group of documents" to refer to what we have been calling a "specification", which might consist of a family of related expressions of, say, a vocabulary, e.g. in RDF and PDF.

@kcoyle Good catch re: the ambiguity of  "provides (guidance or explanation) about the usage" versus "provides guidance or (explanation about the usage)".

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Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2019 18:37:12 UTC