Re: [dxwg] Range of dcat:endpointURL (#655)

It seems like in practice many access URLs point to landing pages and there's no difference. 

Sometime the access URL might get you to a form that lets you set up filters to get more precise access to what you want, something like ERDDAP TableDAP [Data Access Pages](  In this case I guess you could argue that the form is a UI on top of an accessService, but the user doesn't need to know anything about that--its just a web page to them, and the URL for the form is different from the service endpoint URL that the form is using.

Not all landing pages actually provide a link to access the data, whereas the intention (correct me if this is wrong) of the accessURL is to get the user as close to the data as possible (ideally only one more click).  

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Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2019 21:25:57 UTC