Narrowing down profile definition choices


In order to get some traction on profile definition, I'd like to suggest
that we do a very loose straw poll just to see how the group is leaning.
There is a lot of discussion but only a few actual proposals, so I
suggest taking a straw vote on these three proposals, which seem to
cover the main directions:

1) Antoine's version  of the current definition using "may" [1]
2) Tom's version but with the looser list of qualities suggested by
Karen [2]
3) Richard's version emphasizing conformance [3]

We can up/down vote these on github with the emoji's. We could limit
each person to one up vote, but I think we should ask people to vote on
each one, either up or down, as a way to testing the waters. This won't
be a deciding vote but a view of how people are leaning today, and some
folks may be happy enough with more than one option.

How does that sound?

Karen Coyle
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Monday, 1 July 2019 19:54:28 UTC