DCAT sprint scheduling: poll for availability

As agreed  in the last plenary (minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes ), the DXWG subgroups have been tasked "to identify topics and feature list to be addressed in sprint meetings of 2 to 3 hours).  The aim of the sprint is to take a particular area (perhaps a set of closely related requirements or issues) and use the dedicated time to formulate an agreed position and associated document changes.

While we didn't get into details at the plenary, the idea is to accelerate the actual production of contributions by bringing the active participants together to focus on one subject/topic, get the contribution into a useful state, and subsequently get it merged into the editors draft.  We can discuss how much actual text wrangling is done in the meetings vs tidying up afterward after each meeting -  I suspect it may vary from topic to topic.

Obviously the changes and updates to the drafts are subject to review by the full WG - these meetings will not change that.

The expectation is that the attendees will typically be the people who have been active in the sub-groups, but we've been asked to make this visible to all.

Note that there will be separate sprint meetings for DCAT and for Profile Guidance.  Obviously some people will want to attend both but we also want to make quick progress so while we will try to avoid clashes we can't guarantee it.

Given our geographical spread we really have limited time windows.  A quick discussion amongst the editors has identified the time 21:00-23:00UTC on Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu as being the optimal/least worst choice. (Some of these times do clash with existing meetings such as the plenary - if that's the outcome of the poll then we can consider what we need to do).

The doodle poll for the DCAT sprints is at https://doodle.com/poll/qt6rubbhg2arnmtb.  If you plan to attend, please indicate your availability.  If you really need a different timeslot, please let me know and we can discuss.  Ideally, we'd hope to have most of the active sub-group members at each sprint.

Two provisional topics have been identified for DCAT:  "Distributions" and "Versioning" - suggestions for others welcome and we can discuss at the next meeting.  The aim is to make sure the recommendation (esp any normative statements) is satisfactory and complete.

Its appreciated that this will constitute a significant uptick in commitment from  the group over the next few weeks - hopefully the benefits will be worth it!

Thanks in advance.

David Browning


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Received on Friday, 25 January 2019 10:41:33 UTC