Re: [dxwg] Profiles are "named collections of properties" or metadata terms (if not RDF) [ID41] (5.41) (#275)

If it doesn't have to be one sentence, we could write "Profiles are made up sets of statements about data elements, such as classes and properties. Those statements define instance data or metadata. Profiles must have an unique identifier or name"
And I'm against saying that "profiles must be made up sets of elements". We write a definition of what a profile is which means that if something is a set of statements about data elements and has a unique name, then it's a profile. Perhaps it would be even better to say "A profiles is a uniquely identifie, made up sets of statements about data elements, such as classes and properties. Those statements define instance data or metadata."

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Received on Monday, 14 January 2019 08:33:00 UTC