- From: <Peter.Winstanley@gov.scot>
- Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 11:31:32 +0000
- To: <sysbot+gh@w3.org>, <public-dxwg-wg@w3.org>
Dear colleagues +1 to the suggestion from Makx that this is for project descriptions - the associated datasets are the outputs of the project, and the funding relates to the project more than to the dataset. I really think that this is a university or related interest only and should not be part of a generic approach to cataloguing data sets and data services. Peter -----Original Message----- From: makxdekkers via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org> Sent: 16 November 2018 11:13 To: public-dxwg-wg@w3.org Subject: Re: [dxwg] Funding source [RFS] My question would be whether the grant was specifically to produce the dataset, or was it funding the project/activity that produced the dataset? If it is the latter, the link to the grant would be at the level of the project, not of the dataset. About the funding amount, I would think that this is could be fairly complicated -- are grant amounts earmarked for individual datasets produced, what is the relation between real production/maintenance cost and funding amount, how are co-funding arrangements expressed? Do we consider that this information is generally useful across domains, for example to allow searching for datasets that were funded by amounts in a certain range, or to distinguish between datasets that were funded by a grant and ones that weren't? In my mind, we should leave this kind of information to the description of projects and activities, and not cover it in the description of the resulting datasets. -- GitHub Notification of comment by makxdekkers Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/66#issuecomment-439362208 using your GitHub account ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service. For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com ______________________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************************************************************************* This email has been received from an external party and has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. ******************************************************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************** This e-mail (and any files or other attachments transmitted with it) is intended solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage, copying or distribution of any part of this e-mail is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy the email, remove any copies from your system and inform the sender immediately by return. Communications with the Scottish Government may be monitored or recorded in order to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. The views or opinions contained within this e-mail may not necessarily reflect those of the Scottish Government. Tha am post-d seo (agus faidhle neo ceanglan còmhla ris) dhan neach neo luchd-ainmichte a-mhàin. Chan eil e ceadaichte a chleachdadh ann an dòigh sam bith, a’ toirt a-steach còraichean, foillseachadh neo sgaoileadh, gun chead. Ma ’s e is gun d’fhuair sibh seo gun fhiosd’, bu choir cur às dhan phost-d agus lethbhreac sam bith air an t-siostam agaibh agus fios a leigeil chun neach a sgaoil am post-d gun dàil. Dh’fhaodadh gum bi teachdaireachd sam bith bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba air a chlàradh neo air a sgrùdadh airson dearbhadh gu bheil an siostam ag obair gu h-èifeachdach neo airson adhbhar laghail eile. Dh’fhaodadh nach eil beachdan anns a’ phost-d seo co-ionann ri beachdan Riaghaltas na h-Alba. **********************************************************************
Received on Friday, 16 November 2018 11:32:20 UTC