Re: Agenda, March 20

The link in the agenda [1] shows me that March 20 will be the same as
this week: US will need to call in one hour later; UK and EU will be
calling at the same time they have for the past months. Please confirm
by clicking on the link.


On 3/16/18 10:34 AM, Jaroslav Pullmann wrote:
>   Dear Karen,
>    there are 2 further Use Cases added to the agenda I'd ask to consider.
>   As agreed in the last call I will provide a short summary of the
> UCR-related
>   activities communicated via Github.
>   Because of the daylight saving issues, could you please confirm the
> telcon time?
>    Thank you
>   Jaro
> On 15.03.2018 23:50, Karen Coyle wrote:
>> Note the ongoing - but soon to deadline - need to list availability for
>> F2F3.[1] We need to know what times are out of the question, and what
>> times are good.
>> [1]

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Friday, 16 March 2018 19:31:58 UTC