Planning for F2F3

Part of our mandate is to hold 2 face-to-face meetings per year, if
possible. Our next f2f should take place sometime between April and July
of 2018. (Other f2f meeting agendas can be found on the meetings page [1]).

To begin the process, I have created a page for F2F3 to gather ideas on:

- dates, good and impossible
- offers to host

In terms of offering to host, what we need for someone to provide is:
- a meeting room (for about 10-15 people) in a location that is
reasonably accessible via air/train/other public conveyance
- a speaker phone to connect off-site members to the meeting
- assistance in identifying nearby hotels

If you offer to host, you do NOT need to provide meals. We can either
pool money for those, or, if convenient nearby, folks can get their own.

Please fill in a row for yourself on that page. All ideas are welcome.

kc & Peter, co-chairs

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 20:25:19 UTC