RE: Agenda February 6

I agree with Ruben here.

The definition as it is now being proposed implies that a namespace
document, i.e. a document that specifies a 'base standard' or (better) a
'base vocabulary specification', like or all
documents under, are 'profiles'.

I would rather see that we stay closer to Ruben's proposal that defines
profiles as being fundamentally about "structural constraints and/or
semantic interpretations" related to base vocabulary specifications that, in
my opinion, should be declared separately.

In an earlier discussion with Antoine, I argued that namespace documents,
i.e. definitions of semantics, and profiles in the sense of Ruben's
definition have different maintenance requirements and that it therefore
would make sense to keep them separate. I personally do not see the benefit
of lumping these two different types of things together. In practice, it has
always been helpful to treat them differently.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ruben Verborgh [] 
Sent: 04 February 2018 19:01
Subject: Re: Agenda February 6

> Ruben, could you take either Rob's or Antoine's suggested wordings and 
> add what you think would make one of these acceptable to you?

It's unfortunately not that straightforward to just add things to the draft
The definition as a whole takes a different direction than what was
discussed previously.

I think we should start with a list of things we need, and then write that
definition, instead of retrofitting another definition.

For instance, something we all seem to agree on is that a profile is
identified by an IRI, that it describes a set of constraints that can apply
to a document.
None of these can be found in the current draft.



Received on Sunday, 4 February 2018 19:53:39 UTC