Re: [dxwg] Profiles are "named collections of properties" or metadata terms (if not RDF) [ID41] (5.41) (#275)

I agree with using the word "metadata" in this context.


On 12/19/18 3:20 PM, kcoyle via GitHub wrote:
> I very much agree about "properties" and am struggling to find a 
> better word or phrase:
> - vocabulary terms (which could include classes)
> - data elements (rather old-fashioned but could also include classes)
> - data terms (Singapore framework uses "metadata terms" - "data terms" 
> sounds odd to me)
> - elements from selected vocabularies or ontologies - longer, but also 
> doesn't address whether one can define new elements with in 
> vocabulary, which also has come up in the past.
> I get the desire to speak of "data" as well as "metadata" but I 
> wouldn't want to confound a profile with the instance data in a 
> dataset, such as statistical data. The profile is not instance data 
> (except of the profile itself, but that seems tautological), but a set 
> of terms and constraints that are used to create instance data that 
> usually has a descriptive role.
> Maybe we need to define data and metadata?

Annette Greiner
NERSC Data and Analytics Services
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2018 23:33:32 UTC